The theme of Swancon XXX is “A Festival of the Imagination, a Carnival of the Senses” and we hope to examine the role of all the senses in science fiction and fantasy. We will be looking at the visual aspects of sf: film, television, comics, illustration, and more, including the masquerade and the art show. We will be exploring the sounds of science fiction, including music and radio plays. For the tastes of science fiction, we're considering chocolate tasting, beer tasting, an ice cream social, and perhaps a cooking demonstration or two. And for the smells of science fiction, we are planning 24-hour video and gaming streams.

Swancon XXX will feature most of the aspects of Swancon that you have come to know and presumably love, including panels, academic and expert streams, videos, gaming, art show, masquerade, short story competition, book and magazine launches, auction... and some new experiences, including a live concert, and Lee Battersby and Lyn Triffitt in the first ever wedding to be held at a Swancon.

We will also be considering many aspects of sex and science fiction: slash and erotica, anime and manga, alternate sexualities and gender issues, room parties, and so on. However, Swancon 30 is not an adults-only convention, and we're planning to have one day with children's programming for the next generation.